Tips & Resources
Productivity & Lifestyle

How to Stay Productive in the Summer

Hassan Hesham

08 July 2019

Summer is already here, and with it comes visitors, trips to the beach and distractions galore. A study by Grasshopper showed that 25% of workers feel less productive during June, July, and August than in the rest of the year according. Here are some tips on how to stay productive during the summer months.

  1. Stay Cool

Find a place with air-conditioning. By staying cool in your working days your mind is able to focus better on the task at hand. Staying cool promotes a certain creative area of the brain that researchers refer to as “referential creativity.” Stay cool, stay creative. 

  1. Soak up the sun! 

The sun has many positive impacts on the human body and mental health. It’s good for your skin, hair & bones. It also releases the serotonin hormone that is considered as a natural mood stabilizer. Try to take some sun in the mornings as you’re warming up for the day or have your meetings outside. If that’s not possible try to have your lunch break in the sun and enjoy the benefits! 

  1.  Exercise

No matter what your workout, make sure it’s in the sun! Sunlight has a hugely positive effect on the metabolic rate. Outdoor workouts increase energy and revitalization, they also help with sleep at night.

  1. Stay hydrated

Water is the most important thing for the human body and as the temperature increases during the summer you use more and more. Stay hydrated and you’ll stay focussed. 

  1. Take a break

Self care is up there with water as one of the most important things to stay productive and stay healthy this summer, in mind and body. Take weekend breaks, get out of the city, change your scene and come back refreshed on Monday. 

We hope these top tips can help you stay happy, hydrated and productive this summer! If you’re looking for a change of scene and want a Coworking space that can help with all of the above, our doors are always open (except when the air-con is on).

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