OneCoWork Placa Catalunya Coworking space in Barcelona CSR Committee
OneCoWork Press

OneCowork: Let’s Change the World, Together.

Ray Slater Berry

03 September 2019

As we grow, our members grow with us. As our members grow, their business grows with them. As businesses grow the world grows at the pace and in the course those businesses set. As a coworking space, we are the root of what can potentially be many great opportunities for growth. We have the influence to change the way the world works and the way we work with the world. Now, as a business, we have found our footing and are ready to leap into the next chapter. However, we are all too aware of the influence we carry and the direction we hope to go in. The United Nations have “17 Sustainable Global Goals,” these goals are our goals, as we (including you) are a team in getting this world together and making sure we grow into a greener, peaceful, kinder future for the generations to come. 

Let's Change the World, Together. 

To answer this, we’ve created our first ever Positive Impact Committee. The Positive Impact Committee is a collection of staff that are concerned about how we grow and have the influence and the ambition to re-root our growth toward a more positive future. It is our pleasure to introduce you to the team: 

Ray, Content & Social

Originally from London, Ray studied English Literature and Creative Writing at Falmouth University in Cornwall. Studying in a coastal town, he quickly fell in love with the sea and beach volleyball. In an effort to pursue his happiness he moved to Barcelona four years ago and continues to play the sport he loves. He has naturally fallen into caring about our oceans and beaches and is most passionate about keeping our world as clean as we found it, or better! 

Alexandra, People & Happiness

Born and raised in Colombia, Alexandra moved out of her home country at the age of 19. For the past 6 years Alex has lived in 3 different countries: England, Germany and Spain. She’s passionate about the human mind - with a master’s degree in Positive Psychology. Coming from Colombia, the country with the second-highest biodiversity in the world but also one of the poorest countries in the world, Alex developed her love for helping society and the environment. She has always been involved in social initiatives and believes that, If we all put our efforts together in projects that contribute to the environment and humanity we can have a greater impact. 

Oscar, Finance & Legal

Originally from Barcelona, Oscar studied Business Administration at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and Mastered in Financial Management, in Barcelona School of Management – Pompeu Fabra University. Since he was a child, he has been a huge fan of outdoor sports like skiing and mountain biking. As Oscar grew up he started to explore more extreme sports like triathlon, hiking and trail running. He loves to travel around the world and discover new places. Oscar has a strong passion and commitment to preserving the environment where he spends most of his life!

Caio, People & Happiness 

Originally from Brasil, Caio studied Business Administration, People Management and Digital Transformation in Universidade Católica de Santos, Universidade de São Paulo and Barcelona School of Management. He soon realized that for him, people are the ones that can change society for the better. In an effort to fulfill his mission he moved to Barcelona to learn how to navigate a diverse environment and impact people from different cultures and backgrounds in a positive way. People first!

Carolina, Community 

Originally from a mountain town in the Dolomites, northern Italy, Carolina grew up surrounded by nature. Since she was a little girl, she developed a passion for all sorts of open-air activities, like hiking, skiing and climbing. Carolina is passionate about travelling, and thrives off of creating new relationships with people from all walks of life. Carolina has developed a deep care for our beautiful planet, both on the environmental and on the social side. She believes that our daily, small actions can make an impact to preserve our world.

Margaux, Operations

Coming from a small, beautiful island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Margaux has always been inspired by the power of nature. Whether she’s hiking or horse-riding in the mountains or swimming in the lagoons, she’s at her best when surrounded by fauna and flora. After an Erasmus in Barcelona and a few years travelling in Latin-America, she returned back to the city she fell in love with during her school years for its mix of mountains, the sea and intense cultural life. During 2017, Margaux found a huge interest in the Collapsologie movement and decided to start taking little actions in order to minimize the negative impact on her beloved earth.

Sebastian, People & Happiness

Originally from the UK, born to a multicultural family (Colombian/English), Seb grew up watching David Attenborough and began to appreciate the world and the ecosystems as our ONLY provider. Having experienced seeing people in less fortunate circumstances, and the impact on the environment, Seb decided it was time to make a change, even a little one, towards making the world a more sustainable place for the generations to come.

We hope with these sharp brains and passionate hearts we’ll be able to change the world. That’s not to say it will be done by the end of quarter, or even the year. It’s also not to say that we’ll change everything. Lastly, it’s not to say we can do this alone. But, what we can hope to do is to change the world, one little piece at a time, one day at a time. We can do so by thinking green, making peaceful decisions and acting with kindness So, what do you say? Will you come and save the world with us?

Interested in joining the committee or know of a friend or business with a similar vision? 

Let’s get to know each other! 

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