Member Spotlight Sandra Programa Mia
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Startup & Entrepreneurship

Member Spotlight: Sandra & Programa Mía

28 July 2021

Meet Sandra, the founder of Programa Mía, this amazing member at OneCoWork Plaça Catalunya that is changing the way women face toxic relationships.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and professional profile?

I am a psychologist and for many years I have been undertaking in some way or another. A few years ago I went from having a physical business in Barcelona to starting with the Mia Program. One day I felt that I could go a step further and reach thousands of people, rather, women. So I took the leap and focused on what really filled me up. And so PM was born, a 100% online program for women who are immersed in relationships that remain and who need to gain security to take charge of their lives. Albert (my business partner and brother) and I started to innovate with online group therapy and here we are, innovating more and more and happy to feel how the online world can be so warm and human that it generates changes from the heart.

In a few words, can you explain what Programa Mía is and what is its mission for women?

Programa Mia is a journey forever in which to achieve love, feel full and at peace and build relationships that really add to you and let go of those that wear you out or subtract you. Why a journey? Because the changes that we generate in women on an emotional level are changes that will always be carried in their backpacks and that will help them to go for the life they want. Programa Mia wants each woman to learn to take care of her inner child to stop delegating her value to third parties and thus feel autonomous and project the life they deserve.

Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? What challenges do you find, or do you think women encounter in the work environment?

I consider myself an entrepreneur, yes, hehe. And I love it! I believe that entrepreneurship is a way of life and something that I am passionate about. To be able to create the program and psychological platform for women that I would have loved to find me a few years ago and to be able to help hundreds of women seems brutal to me.

It is true that in entrepreneurship there are many challenges and it has often involved me leaving my comfort zone. The main challenge is to trust what you do and the value you can bring to other people. Although there is a demon called "the impostor syndrome" that sometimes makes you doubt. I am thankful for the first day that I dared to videotape myself with the ideas that were going through my head, hehe.

What benefits do you find in a coworking for you to develop your company and what advice would you give other women who seek to develop their businesses in an environment like OCW?

The truth is that on my way as an entrepreneur, sometimes I have felt alone. And I have always liked the office environment that I have not had in recent years, being able to exchange ideas, experiences ... whatever! We worked from home and for us, entering the coworking has given us life! Relating to people with your same concerns and way of life and being able to share experiences and even new ways of doing to improve your project day by day nurtures us a lot.

I have spent years saying that I wanted to interact with other entrepreneurs and provide feedback and motivate each other. And now, I'm surrounded by them and they hahaha.

How did you discover OneCoWork and how do you see our coworking as a space to connect you to great opportunities?

When we decided that we were going to leave home to work in a coworking, we visited many coworking spaces in Barcelona in one day. And when we got to OCW, my partner and I looked at each other like "Yes, this is it !!!" And besides the good vibes that it transmitted to us and the privileged area in which it's located, I can bring my dog, Dana, what more can we ask for? And also, that other entrepreneurs help you or contribute ideas selflessly, it seems to be a precious gift. In the end, in one way or another, we are all connected by this same journey: entrepreneurship.

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