OneCoWork Green Membership Plan
OneCoWork Press
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Why Coworking?


Natalie Deller

04 October 2019

As a coworking space we have a huge responsibility to lead the way in which the world works. We want to grow with the world, not against it. In the words of our very own CEO, Ben Nachoom;

 “As OneCoWork grows, we understand that as a business we have a bigger carbon footprint to offset, and we’re proud to be taking our first steps to do just that.” 

Introducing: The Green Membership Plan 

We’ve introduced The Green Membership to all of our membership plans. This allows our current and future members to positively impact the world around them as their businesses grow. This will be the first project launched by our Positive Impact Committee and we could not be more excited to tell you how it will work!

We’re joining forces with ForestNation. ForestNation's mission is to help humanity thrive by re-connecting us to nature and to each other. They plant trees to create sustainable livelihoods and reforest Mother Earth, starting in Tanzania! Not only are they giving back to the environment but they’re aiding the ecosystem too. The CEO and Founder of ForestNation, Andrew Pothecary, is actually a OneCoWork member, so we discovered our first Positive Initiative right on our own doorstep! ForestNation are helping businesses around the world give back by providing the operational infrastructure to plant a forest. All the business needs to do is pick the amount of trees to plant. They also create tree kits as unique employee gifts!

So, what’s the goal with the Green Membership Plan? By December 2020 we’re aiming to have planted 10,000 trees in Tanzania. By fulfilling this mission we hope to support the environmental growth of our planet; reclaiming 10 hectares of land to forestry, as well as sustainable growth; creating over 1000 Tons of O2 per year. Equally important, on a smaller scale we will be supporting the local economy within the Usambara Mountain region, Tanzania; from seed planting to collection of harvest, we will provide over 400 hours of local labour per year. In all, with the OneCoWork forest seeded, and as the sprouts start to grow, we can add toward our mission of bringing JOY to the world (of work). 

With that being said, if you’re interested in learning more about the Green Membership mechanic, would like to join OCW and get planting with us or are already a member and would like to upgrade your plan then check out this blog! Here, you’ll be able to see exactly how much your membership would be/ how little it would be (as small as 30 extra cents a month!) and align that alongside the impact you or your company can make on the world. 

Keep growing,



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