Recruitment service in Barcelona
OneCoWork Press

OneRecruit: The Pay-As-You-Go Recruitment Service

Natalie Deller

01 July 2020

As a coworking community, we are always looking for new ways to support our members and ensure that they have the resources that they need for their growth. After all, that is the beauty of coworking; an environment which encourages you to thrive and expand as and when you are ready. 

We want to stop things like this from happening:

Recruitment by the hour

We've noticed that while our spaces provide the flexibility for expansion, sometimes you are held back because you can’t find the right people to add to your team. We want to help you spread the workload and achieve everything that you set your mind to. How? With OneRecruit.

OneRecruit is an on-demand recruitment service, with a OneCoWork Team ready to help you source your ideal candidate. No commissions, no success fees; just a simple hourly rate to help you connect to the talent your business needs.

We're aware of the recruitment situation at the moment and that's why we're confident in saying we can hire 100% remote roles and maintain remote relationships with you, if that's what you're looking for.

The Recruitment Process?

First, we gather as much information about your company, culture, the role and the fit you are looking for. We get in your shoes, to ensure a perfect fit! Then, we collate our research to create a ‘best possible match’ profile for your search. Finally, we discover candidates who fit the profile, sell them your company vision and prepare them for the final stage of interviews with you. 

Any questions? Get in touch with our Community Team.

We look forward to hiring with you!

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